Teeth Cleaning Price in Gurgaon, India

Teeth cleaning price can range from Rs.800 to Rs.1500 in Bhatotia Dental Clinic and prices depends upon the amount of stains, food debris & calculus (tartar) present on the teeth surfaces that needs to be cleaned. Teeth cleaning is best known as scaling and polishing. 

Teeth After Teeth Cleaning

Teeth Cleaning

It is procedure is done to remove any tobacco, gutka or such stains, plaque, food debris and calculus from tooth surface. Your dentist will use a hand scaler and magnetostrictive or piezoelectric scaler to clean your teeth. 

Improper toothbrushing or bad habit such as eating or chewing tobacco will cause stains on the teeth. Food debris also gets attached to tooth and gums, which would lead to further disease of gums. 

Sometimes deep cleaning is done to remove sub-gingival plaque or calculus in people who has very poor oral hygiene to prevent further disease progression ( from gingivitis to non-reversible disease - peridontitis). After cleaning, your dentist will use a polishing paste to polish your teeth to make them shine and also to eliminate feeling of abraded teeth.

Before and After Images

Buccal and labial teeth surfaces before teeth cleaning


Buccal and labial teeth surfaces after teeth cleaning


Lingual teeth surfaces before teeth cleaning


Lingual teeth surfaces after teeth cleaning


Palatal teeth surfaces before teeth cleaning


Palatal teeth surfaces after teeth cleaning
